DIY Armpit Deodorizer - vodka vs witch hazel

There is an adjustment period for those of us just starting on the zero waste/natural deodorant journey. Or I could just be a stinky kid. Either way this armpit deodorizer works great at the end of a busy day. Drop a splishy-splash on a wash cloth and wipe the stink away. 

If you find your natural deodorant not holding up it's end of the bargain, make this for yourself. Be careful if you shave your pits, it may sting if you use it right after. 

Here's the recipes I used:
Vodka Deodorizer
Vodka - fill your container 1/2 way
Filtered water - fill your container the rest of the way
10-20 drops of essential oils - I used bergamot
Shake before use
*This one worked the best! WEIRD

Witch Hazel Deodorizer
Fill your vessel with witch hazel
10-20 drops of essential oil
Shake before use.
*This one was not as good. I was shocked. 

Thank you to Tara Swiger for offering fans of Break + Remake a free oil with their purchase! More info can be found here!

And thank you to Crunchy Betty! She did a whole round up of natural deodorants and deodorizers 

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Music composed for Break + Remake by Janet Overfield