DIY Vegan Sugar Cookies - with natural food coloring

I made vegan sugar cookies for the holiday!

Thank you to Minimalist Baker for the recipe:

The only change I made was to add 2 teaspoons of Cream of Tartar, I think only 1 teaspoon was necessary.

For the frosting

2 cups powder sugar

2 tablespoons milk of choice, plus more as needed

Add powder sugar to the bowl and the milk, mix. Add more milk 2 tablespoons at a time until the mixture runs off the spoon slowly.

Big thank you to @GoingZeroWaste for showing me how to make natural icing! The icing colors are turmeric for yellow, beets for pink, and spirulina for green. Check it out here:

Happy Holidays! I'll see you in the new year!

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Music composed for Break + Remake by Janet Overfield